• Dostava i plaćanje pouzećem
  • Dvobojne burme - burme od belog i žutog zlata
  • Ogrlice i lanci
  • Prstenje
  • Vereničko prstenje belo zlato

Jewelry Tanaskovic - Jewelry Belgrade - Zemun - Bulevar kralja Aleksandra - Serbia

Offers you a wide selection of gold jewelry: wedding bands, engagement rings and regular rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings made of white and yellow gold at the most affordable prices in Belgrade and Zemun. Also we are purchasing gold and we are repairing all kinds of gold jewelry.

On our website you can see the price catalog of gold jewelry we have in offer.

Wedding bands

We offer you a wide selection of regular wedding bands, wedding bands of white, yellow, pink (red) gold, diamond wedding bands, two color wedding bands. Price catalog of gold wedding bands can be seen here >>>.

Engagement rings

See our offer of engagement rings made of yellow, white and tutti frutti gold. You can see the price catalog of our engagement rings here >>>.

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