Southafrican coin Krugerrand is considered to be one of the most widespread golden coins in the world. The first edition was minted in 1967, and is made out of gold digged up in rich findings of South Africa.
On the front side of the coins there is a character of Paul Krugerrand, the president of South Africa from the second half of the 19th century. Around the image there is text imprinted in African and in English: “SUID AFRICA – SOUTH AFRICA.
The back of the coin shows South Africa’s national symbol, antelope “springbok”. Above the antelope the Krugerrand’s name is inscribed, on the left and right the year of publication is imprinted. At the bottom there is a text also written in English and in African: “FYNGOUD – FINE GOLD (pure gold).
Purchase of golden coin Krugerrand
At the bottom the amount of gold is written in ounces (31.1035 grams) which the coin contains.
"1 oz" means one ounce.
"1/2 oz" represents half of ounce (15.5517 grams).
"1/4 oz" is ¼ of an ounce (7.7758 grams).
"1/10 oz" represents a coin made of one-tenth of gold ounces (3.1103 grams).
•One ounce Krugerrand diameter is 32.77 mm, thickness of 2.84 mm, weighs 33,930 g.
•Half ounce Krugerrand has a diameter of 27.02 mm, thickness of 2.215 mm, and weighs 16,965 grams.
•A quarter ounce Krugerrand has a diameter of 22.06 mm, thickness of 1,888 mm and weight of 8,482 grams.
•Krugerrand of 1/10 ounces has a diameter of 16.55 mm, thickness of 1.35 mm, and a weight of 3,393 grams.
Discrepancies are possible in diameter and thickness and maximum dimensions are listed.