- Wedding bands
- Engagement rings
- Ducat - Golden coins
- Regular rings
- Earrings
- Necklaces and chains
- Bracelets
- Pendants
- Briliant set
- Dijamantski nakit
Wedding bands and the warmth of love
BBZ 2 49
When the wedding bells ring and the wedding is marked by happy musicians may your hand feel the warmth of these wedding bands, and your life jouney be without pain and simple. Wedding bands made of white gold, high quality.
Fineness | Stone | Price | |
585 | 80.000,00 RSD |
Note: The price is valid for a pair of wedding rings!
Već odobreni popusti se ne sabiraju.
Vaši komentari:
12-04-2012 u 09:41:43
PostovaniSirina- burme belo zlato iznosi 6mm.
Vise informacija o burmama pogledajte na WWW.BURME.ORG.
Srdacan pozdrav.
08-04-2012 u 09:32:02
KOLKA JE SIRINA12-02-2012 u 05:49:21
super su!