- Wedding bands
- Engagement rings
- Ducat - Golden coins
- Regular rings
- Earrings
- Necklaces and chains
- Bracelets
- Pendants
- Briliant set
- Dijamantski nakit
Wedding bands as happiness in good times and in bad
BBZ 2 48
Everyone is happy when they have someone who is his companion on his life journey and when in sickness and in health firmly holds hands. On your hand this beautiful ring will, once you touch it, shuts off fatige and angry feelings. Wedding bands made of white gold, high quality.
Fineness | Stone | Price | |
585 | 120.000,00 RSD |
Note: The price is valid for a pair of wedding rings!
Već odobreni popusti se ne sabiraju.
Vaši komentari:
29-03-2013 u 10:38:28
PostovaniSto se tice isporuke u inostranstvo za sada nije moguce.Morate doci licno po burme ili ih moze neko preuzeti za Vas.Moguce je izraditi ih i pre 15.maja.
Najbolje bi bilo za odredjivanje velicine prstena da odete direktno do neke zlatare u Vasoj blizini ,i da to uradi kolega .
Srdacan pozdrav.
27-03-2013 u 11:58:22
Dobro vece, da li saljete u inostranstvo burme ili moramo doci po njih??Ove nam se svidjaju, i da li je moguce dobiti ih pre 15 Maja? Kako odrediti velicinu ako nismo blizu vas?
Hvala, pozdrav