- Wedding bands
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Sandy wedding bands with diamond planted segments
BBZ 1 45
Glamorous wedding bands of extremely high gloss and diamond planted segments which intensifies its beauty. These wedding bands are not chosen by newlyweds, the ring chooses them. Beauty, gloss and magic embroidered together in one model. Wedding band made of white gold, high quality.
Fineness | Stone | Price | |
585 | 60.000,00 RSD |
Note: The price is valid for a pair of wedding rings!
Već odobreni popusti se ne sabiraju.
Vaši komentari:
12-04-2012 u 10:22:19
PostovaniBurme belo zlato,burme zuto zlato i kombinacija belo i pink su istaknute koje su na internet prezentaciji.Zlatare Tanaskovic burme izradjuju po narudzbini.
Srdacan pozdrav.
10-04-2012 u 14:10:46
zanima me da li je cena i dalje ista i da li se moze odmah kupiti kod vas u prodajnom objektu...